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  • Williams Den

    What is William's Den


    We think the best childhoods start with imagination and adventure. We grew up in the countryside surrounded by open spaces and the freedom to play outside in all weathers for hours on end. Our childhood years were spent endlessly running, jumping, cycling, exploring, den building and using our wild imaginations to entertain each other until it was time for bed.

    The Idea...

    One day, while hosting a birthday party for our son William we had an incredible idea. Hearing the shrieks of joy from him and his friends as they relished the freedom and space to play outside, we realised all kids needed these wide open spaces where their imaginations could run wild.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could create this playscape for others to enjoy? A safe place with wide open spaces where children can learn through play, push themselves, learn from each other and get hands on with nature.

    The Place...

    In 2017 we opened William’s Den a unique attraction with indoor and outdoor adventure play. It encompasses everything we enjoyed in our childhood and all the things we think others should experience as they’re growing up too. We designed it alongside Europe’s top experts in ‘learning through play’ to ensure all aspects of the playscape sparks joy and imagination in young minds.

    A day at William’s Den harks back to a time when play was about imagination and creativity, for children to run free, to push themselves to understand risk, to learn from each other and to get hands on with nature. We are passionate about creating a natural, wholesome environment where children of all ages can learn through play and in which we can empower adults with the confidence to allow them to do so.

    We can’t wait to welcome you to our Den,

    Tor and Christian

    Let your imagination run wild…


    “This is a truly unique experience which allowed us to spend quality time together as a family”

    David, Dad